Student Support

Student Support

by Bradley Longfield -
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Offices that meet student needs:

Seminary Admissions from day one

Financial Aid to clear the way to pay for school

Seminary Pastor to Students to care for students on their way

Interim Director of Field Education to attend to dozens of details in addition to Field Education

Dean of Seminary to keep us moving forward internally and externally and, oh yes, to make sure we have a self-study for ATS this fall

Academic Affairs to integrate us into wider university

Dean of Students, especially for counseling

Registrar to make sure everyone is enrolled

Business office to make sure bills (and we) get paid

Advancement to raise funds for ongoing and future expenses

Pastor to Students to coordinate chapel and spiritual life w/undergrads

Music Department to support vital worship

IT to keep hardware and software up and running

Building and Grounds to make sure heat/AC works, sidewalks are shoveled, gardens are weeded, buildings are cleaned, and Christmas decorations are put up

Library staff to provide resources for learning

President's Office to coordinate all of the programs, raise funds,  and keep us focused on mission

Wendt Center to keep us focused on lives of service

Athletics to help us remember health and community matter

Heritage Center Staff to assist in graduation