Section Name Description
Standard 4: Master's Degrees Page SPM Internal Checklist and Communication Samples
URL Google Doc Showing Gaps, Existing Data, Groups to Write, & Comments/Concerns
Standard 5: Doctoral Degrees URL Google Doc Showing Gaps, Data, Writers, Comments/Concerns (Note: It starts with standard 4, so scroll down to standard 5.)
Standard 8: Faculty URL UDTS Fac/Staff List
Standard 9: Governance and Administration File David Tiede "Faculty Powers in Shared Governance"
Standard 10: Institutional Resources URL UDTS Fac/Staff List
URL Faculty Handbook 2018-2019 -- Most recent update
URL Annual Security Report 2022
Folder Staff Position Descriptions - May Need Updating

Position descriptions posted in this folder were requested and received from Human Resources. These may need to be updated. HR provided a template for doing so.

URL Office of Technology webpage
File Organizational Chart UDTS 2017 -- Needs Updating
Artifacts File Trustees Seminary PP 04-12-2024
File UDTS Report to Trustees 04-2024
URL 2024 Lanterns Feature Across Programs pp. 16-17
File UDTS Report to Trustees Fall 2023
File UDTS COA Agenda Spring 2024
File Appreciative Inquiry Interview Data 2022
File Faculty Strategic Planning 05-03-2023
File ATS 7.4 Non-BA admits
File Admissions Task Force Reports 2024-2025
File Wesley Table Schedule 2024-2025
File UDTS FacStaff Meetings 2024-2025
File UD Faculty Committees 2024-2025
File Flipped Classroom Training UD

For modalities/New Day Dawning plan, and for faculty/affiliate onboarding, and student orientation

File Mission strategy PP Ac Af Trustees 3-24
URL List of UMC approved schools link
File UMC Commission Data 2017
File UMC Senate Approval Letter 2022
File UMC Commission Data Supplement 2017
File PCUSA Book of Order
URL Web published tuition
File UDTS STUCO Bylaws 2017-2024
File 2024 08 15 Stuco Minutes
URL GA 2024 Approval of PCUSA Schools
URL Report to GA of UD Trustees' diversity #'s
File Minutes of COTE at UDTS Fall 2023
File Stuco Lunch Meeting - 2024 08 15
File Rev. Jerry Cannon Lecture 2024
Folder Advertising Mission Statement
File ATS Dubuque Seminary Report 2015
File ATS Report for 7.3
File UD UDTS Mission Statements Students Residency 2024
File Hilton Courageous Conversations Grant Report
File Hilton Conversation Keys
File Longfield The Reformed Tradition
File UDReformed for Web
File Dean's Notes on Online Culture and Formation
File Faculty words wordle
File Sem Pastor Report to Trustees 2018
File STUCO Report to Trustees 2018
File New Day Dawning Summary 2-2015
File New Day Dawning 2.0 2-2024
File 2024 UDTS Faculty Staff Retreat Agenda
File 2024 UDTS COA Membership
File UD Annual Performance Review Staff
File UD Self Appraisal Form Staff
File UD Faculty Annual Review Form
Folder GSQ Files
Folder Course schedules
Folder Evaluation Summaries - historical
File Advisor Assignments 2024-2025
File Minutes Faculty Staff Retreat May 2024
File Children of Abraham 2024-2025
File UDTS Lecturers 2014-2024
File UDTS Staff Budget 2024-2025
File UD Board Grants Highlights 4-2023
File Seminary Faculty Staff Agenda 3-6-2024
File Seminary Faculty Staff Agenda 3-20-2024
File NDD Lilly Vision Process 2021-2022
File Student Survey August 2021
File UD Mission Strategic Plan Brochure
File UDTS Advancement Donor Materials
File Jewish Annotated NT Class Exercise
File Syllabus - African American Biblical Interpretation
File Imagining Salvation Syllabus
File President's Diversity Task Force
File Key UD Student Services Personnel 2024
File 2024 UDTS Faculty Campus Orientation
File UDTS 2024 August Residency Evaluations
File UD President Thanks Mandarin Ministry