Student Services

Student Services

by Emily Blue -
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Thoughts on Personnel

Rev. Samuel Felderman, Admission - on working in Admission and continuing through their first August (and beyond).

Myself - providing ministry and care of those students (both online and in person) through face-to-face or Zoom meetings, guiding for graduation and August, leading the Pastoral Page online, Bible studies, working with students in worship settings and classroom settings. 

Our Seminary GA for Sacristan - works with students and groups for worship and Community Life Page and Good News, but also spends time building relationships with students. 

Registrar - Amanda Yarolim has been especially helpful with students struggling with issues. Others in the registers office (Kim and Carla) are wonderful as well.

Financial aid - Teresa Brahm has been amazing trying to help our students with their financial packages.

Bookstore - Jennifer Wickham has been helpful with graduating students needing robes/other gear, and helping with books and booklists. 

SKHS - the health center is vital for our students on campus and provides both mental health and physical health care.

Campus Ministry - has been essential for many YAMS student GA experiences. 

Technology - Prior to 2023, we had a dedicated Seminary Technology person, Nicky Willis who provided great care and compassion to our students. Since 2023, we have had Josh Crowell and others in the tech department ready to answer questions for students.