1. Assignment: Reading Theological Texts. In God's Redemptive Mission, I teaching students how to read theological texts with a guided reading assignment. We identify ways that reading theology is different than reading a novel, a textbook, etc. My intent is for this to be invitational, reduce barriers to reading, and welcome them into a continued practice of reading theology for lifelong learning and enjoyment.
2. Assignment: Congregational Song Analysis. In both God's Redemptive Mission and Imagining Salvation, we analyze the hymn texts, attending to the ways congregational song places theology on the lips of worshippers and forms them theologically (for better and for worse!). My intent is that they will be formed as lifelong worship planners (and lifelong formers of others) who choose music not merely to set a "mood" but as way to embed (good) theology in the memories and hearts of those who sing together.
3. Regular Practice in classroom: Theological Table Talk. In all of my courses, we engage in "table talk" about theological questions of ultimate concern. My intent is to form them to think of theological reflection as something we do together in community as an expression of faith and hope, for the sake of lifelong learning and formation.