"You shall love the Lord . . ."

"You shall love the Lord . . ."

by Bradley Longfield -
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Jesus teaches us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and and to love our neighbor as ourself. Here we find the understanding of the "intellectual, human, spiritual, and vocational" dimensions of student learning and formation for UDTS. God calls, us, every aspect of us, to love of God and neighbor.  So we are to manifest our love of God by grace in our minds, our bodies and souls, and our callings and the school is to teach and nourish the disciplines that further such love.

This happens through rigorous classroom teaching and learning that honors the lives of the saints that have passed the faith to us.  It happens in nurturing faithful prayer and worship that gives glory to God, devout study of the scriptures and tradition that seeks to know God's will, and humble  life in community that seeks to serve others as Christ has served us.