

by Christopher (Chris) James -
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The students enrolled in courses through Madison Learning Community are extremely diverse. 50% students of color. 7-9 different denominations represented in each class. Video artifacts at

The Madison Learning Community People of Color Scholarship -- offering 50% off to students of color in the MLC -  is an institutional manifestation of this commitment to diversity and diversifying our student body.  Video artifact at

Our adjunct faculty teams for MLC have expanded the diversity of our faculty ecumenically and racially.

Organizational Partnerships with: Upper House (evangelical), Wisconsin Council of Churches (ecumenical, mostly mainline), Collaboration Project (ecumenical) and African American Council of Churches (black protestant).

Hiring for Missio cohorts (Thriving in Ministry) has been been intentionally ecumenically and racially diverse (happy to offer more details). Guest "faculty" for this program have likewise been racially and ecumenically diverse. See for artifacts. Need a PDF?