Once every 4 years, the Director of the United Methodist Studies Program interprets the Mission of the University of Dubuque and the Mission of the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary to the University Senate of the United Methodist Church through an extensive report. In that report (see the attachment).The Director has to demonstrate that UM Studies Program and UD/UDTS meet all the criteria established by the University Senate for non-United Methodist seminaries that want permission to prepare UM candidates for for ordained ministry. The construction of this report is really a translation of the Mission of UDTS and the Mission of UD into the concerns and standards of the University Senate's evaluation of UDTS as a non-United Methodist Seminary suitable for preparing UM candidates for ordained Ministry. The report has to articulate the Mission of UDTS and the Mission of UD and how that Mission gets embodied in degree programs and the overall community and life of the Seminary and the wider University to show that the Mission of UDTS and its embodiment also meets all the criteria the University Senate uses to determine whether UDTS is a suitable seminary for training UM candidates for ministry. This report in one of the most comprehensive interpretations of the Mission of UDTS and the Mission of UDTS to the United Methodist constituencies who send UM students to UDTS, including not only the University Senate but the Bishops and Cabinets and the Boards of Ordained Ministry of each of the Annual Conferences who have candidates for ministry enrolled at UDTS.
Here are the materials the University Senate requests from UDTS which reflect and communicate is various ways many of the themes within the Mission of the Seminary and the Mission of the Wider University:
Please submit the following materials from your institution to the University Senate to seek approval for the training of United Methodist candidates for ordination December 1, 2021:
• A copy of the charter and bylaws;
• The most recent catalog and selected admissions material;
• The most recent institutional self-study;
• The report of the visiting committees of the regional accrediting agency and of the Association of Theological Schools;
• The institutional response to reports from the regional accrediting agency and the Association of Theological Schools;
• Action letters of the regional accrediting agency and of the Association of Theological Schools and any subsequent reports required;
• The financial audits and management letters from the three most recent years;
• Copies of the institutional affirmative action plan and/or other relevant policies, plans, and practices;
• A written report regarding ways the institution demonstrates its church relatedness;
• The completed document “Data Report Form” enclosed;
• The course title, number, description, requirements, and the amount of academic credit offered for courses in United Methodist History, Doctrine, and Polity;
• An outline with a list of topics to be covered for courses in United Methodist History, Doctrine, and Polity;
• A bibliography of required and supplementary reading material for courses in United Methodist History, Doctrine, and Polity;
• Vitae of instructors teaching courses in United Methodist History, Doctrine and Polity
Also see the attached documents for the Criteria provided by the University Senate, the supporting documents the Senate uses to ground the criteria, and the 2021 Report UDTS submitted to the Senate. The supporting documents (over 100 items) UDTS sent to the Senate with the Report are available upon request.
The process of constructing the report also involves Director of the UM Studies Program in reviewing and reflecting on the Mission of the Seminary and the Mission of the wider University in relation to all aspects of the UM Studies Program especially the required UM Studies courses (Doctrine, History, and Polity) to ensure that the objectives, requirements, and outcomes of the courses arise out of the Mission of the Seminary while at the same time fulfilling the University Senate standards for each of those courses. (See the attached document of standards for those courses.)
Finally, the Director of the UM Studies Program attends the The United Methodist Annual Conferences in proximity to Dubuque and hosts events for alumni, friends, perspective UM students, and pastors and other leaders in each Annual Conference. Central to those events in the UM Studies Program Director interpreting the Mission of UDTS and the Mission of UDTS to its United Methodist constituencies.
Rev. Dr. Elmer M. Colyer
Professor of Systematic Theology
Stanley Professor of Wesley Studies
Director of the UM Studies Program.