Mary Emily

Mary Emily

by Mary Emily Duba -
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1. Where I lift these up or see them made known
  • Development of Theology Department. Seminary faculty teaching undergraduate theology courses (as well as Worldview and Personal Empowerment courses). Efforts to break down the perceived "wall" between the seminary and the undergraduate college.
  • Excellence in scholarship. UDTS faculty publications, as well as participation/presentation at AAR/SBL (Nick, Matt, Mary Emily), Louisville Institute (Mary Emily), Wabash (Nick), Collegeville Institute (Susan), conference in Amsterdam (Chris), etc. are all examples of faculty pursuing excellence in scholarship/academic inquiry and professional/pedagogical preparation. 
  • Moral Development. Faculty participation in Wendt Center as Mentors(Mary Emily, various Seminarians, other faculty?). 
  • Respect for other faith traditions. Participation in Dubuque's Children of Abraham interfaith initiative (formerly Bonnie Sue, now Mary Emily). I am a panelist at CoA tonight (3.7.24 on Women in Holy Books).
  • Diverse and equitable community. Personally, and in conversation with some colleagues: intentional efforts to diversify our syllabi and to make our courses more hospitable to diversities among students.
2.  Reflecting our unique context and constituency.
  • embedded in a university
  • local learning communities in Madison and elsewhere are a reflection of our regional context and constituency. 
3. Complementary missions
  • Grounding Christian commitment.
  • Commitment to "lives of purpose"/the particular purpose of ministry
  • Commitment to excellence in scholarship