

by Emily Blue -
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1. I see this being lifted up in many ways, including: UDTS professors teaching undergrad theology and other courses, the connection between UG and UDTS chapel, the Theology Department student check ins, and the theology lunches. The UDTS faculty and staff care about the students at UDTS, but they also reach out and connect with undergrad students to be the body of Christ with all here on campus. 

2. There is a direct link between UDTS and the shared love of Jesus with all students at UD and UDTS. Profs get coffee with students, meet up for lunches, have pastoral visits in offices and chapels, and build intellectual and spiritual relationships with students of all backgrounds as part of the mission of Christ to love the world. Being out in the wider university allows us to be the church in different ways in this changing world.

3. The missions between UD and UDTS are complimentary, so that in loving the students at UD, we are following the mission of Jesus. Building relationships (part of the mission of UD) connects to UDTS as we form students and live out servant leadership. In building intellectual, spiritual and moral development of UD students, allows us to engage in the changing needs of the world. As UDTS professors and staff grow and excel in theological education scholarship, there is a connection with UD's mission of excellence in academic inquiry and professional preparation that benefits each side of the university.