Jesse Bailey from Wisconsin via Washington DC, New York, Miami and Austin.

Jesse Bailey from Wisconsin via Washington DC, New York, Miami and Austin.

by Jesse Bailey -
Number of replies: 2

Hi there. Very excited to be here!!

This Spring, I am enrolling in the Doctor of Ministry program (Forshey's cohort), and continuing my preparation for ordination as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the PC (USA). I will also be working as a graduate assistant for church relations at the seminary. 

Congregational ministry will be my third career. Out of college, I spent six years in politics and policy in Washington, DC. While earning a Master of Public Administration at Columbia University in New York, I shifted to institutional fundraising; ultimately becoming a Chief Development Officer (CDO) at three different organisations in New York, Miami and Washington DC. After hearing God's call to ministry in January 2023, I left life in the c-suite behind and enrolled at Austin Seminary before ultimately finding my way to Dubuque. I currently call Reedsburg, Wisconsin home. 

I am a huge baseball fan (Go Brewers!), love working out, and baking pies and sweets. Epic book worm here (historic non-fiction, biographies and mysteries are my favorite). I plan to start marathon training in a few weeks so hit me up if you are also a runner! 

Look forward to meeting everyone! May the Lord bless and keep each of you! 

In reply to Jesse Bailey

Re: Jesse Bailey from Wisconsin via Washington DC, New York, Miami and Austin.

by Emily Blue -
Jesse - It’s wonderful to get to know you better and hear about your journey to ministry, and how you’re combining such diverse experiences—from politics and fundraising to now pursuing ordination and preparing for ministry. It sounds like God has truly been leading you in powerful ways. We are ready for you to join us as a graduate assistant for church relations! I love that you're a baseball fan and have such a variety of interests. I’m sure marathon training will be a great new challenge, and it’s always fun to meet fellow runners. I look forward to getting to know you better and supporting you on your journey.
In reply to Emily Blue

Re: Jesse Bailey from Wisconsin via Washington DC, New York, Miami and Austin.

by Jesse Bailey -
I am so excited to join the team as both a student and colleague! Right now, my first day in the office is Monday Look forward to working with and getting to know you as well!