DMin Colloquy and Annual reports on Congregational Resource Teams

DMin Colloquy and Annual reports on Congregational Resource Teams

by Timothy (Tim) Slemmons -
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All of our DMin cohorts aim at congregational renewal or revitalization in context; any successful "ministry focus paper" presented at the colloquy will have some signs of new life and learnings to report, however scant, small, or modest. Not sure if we can surface old video links of colloquys. I can check with Josh. But a glance at the titles of presentations is a good indicator of the new life our pastor-researchers have seen. This upcoming colloquy would be a good opportunity to capture some fresh video to document how these meet NDD goals, esp. 1-5 (bulleted above). More modestly, students' annual CRT reports often show signs of "Leadership development empowering others - reflecting the Kingdom."