

by Christopher (Chris) James -
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Madison Learning Community is "Engaging the changing needs of the church and world" by bringing theological education to underserved populations, forming "A diverse and equitable community where Christian love is practiced" and "the Church’s biblical faith" is the center of course offerings.

Missio Madison is designed to create a diverse and equitable community of ecumenical Christian love, in which relationships encourage intellectual, spiritual, and moral development, as they together engage in reflection on the changing needs of the church and world.

Our institutional partnership in Awaken Dane is a way that we partake in as well as contribute to a "diverse and equitable community where Christian love is practiced." In this program, church leaders and members build transformative relationships with one another that provoke ongoing learning and zeal for service in light of the changing needs of the church and world.

MN 630 Starting Missional Communities is designed to form students to be responsive to the "changing needs of the church." 

IN782 is designed to form students who are hospitable to other expressions of Christian faith and, in their community context, are able to and motivated to form diverse and equitable communities of Christian love, ecumenically.