

by Christopher (Chris) James -
Number of replies: 1

Our grant work has come with significant annual evaluation and reports. Each grant has had an annual report which included reflect on what's working, what changes have been made, what the #s are, and how we are stacking up to our stated goals. These goals include not only 'grant program' goals but also goals that pertain directly to the seminary and its vitality (especially from the Pathways grant). Becky has copies of these annual reports. I probably could surface copies of annual reports for the Thriving in Ministry grants. The final report for the Thriving in Ministry grant includes evaluative measures from El's Dmins.

For each of my classes I have a document titled "Improving [course title] to which I add ideas that present themselves when I run into something that doesn't seem to be working or an opportunity to enhance the learning. 

Faculty are evaluated annually, and with more rigor when they go up for promotion. Do we want to include promotion applications? We could certainly include documentation of colleagues observing our classes (these are part of promotion applications).

In reply to Christopher (Chris) James

Re: Grants

by Beth McCaw -
Chris, these are great, thanks. Please do surface and attach here those reports.