

by Timothy (Tim) Slemmons -
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Synod of the Rocky Mountains' Christian Leadership Cohort. Here is the flier at the Yellowstone Presbytery website (Beth and Tim made presentations, preached / administered the sacrament; Beth spoke to the seminary's mission):


A Fellowship of Preachers (Susan played host wonderfully, Tim presented, Chris brought greetings from the seminary, addressed the mission, and invited the leaders present to other networking opportunities; he also funded the refreshments with Lilly money).


Synod School (2023) — See Course AM1-08 (p. 27) and Course PM 37 (p. 37). Tim taught AM and PM courses, one for fun and the other for the Synod's lay ministry certification program.


I don't yet see any flyer for the John Calvin Presbytery event this weekend (March 16), but hope springs ... Beth will preach, Tim, Beth, and Susan will each offer two workshops, AM and PM.
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