Section: Student Teacher of the Year Nominations | Cooperating and Supervising Teacher Resource Page - 2024 Fall | MOODLE

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    Jeffrey A. Haverland

    Smith 303

    563-589-3723 or 563-599-8419

    The purpose of this page is to provide cooperating and supervising teachers with the resources and dates needed to meet the reporting requirements of student teaching.

Student Teacher of the Year Nominations

  • Student Teacher of the Year Nominations

    • Each year, we recognize an outstanding student teacher as Student Teacher of the Year.
    • There is no set criteria, just your nomination detailing what sets your student teacher above others. 
    • You DO NOT need to nominate as nominations nor finalists are publicly shared.
    • This award is open to student teachers in both fall and spring semesters and the award is given during our spring Honors' Convocation.
    • If you feel as if your student teacher really sets the bar for professionalism and skill, you can nominate them using this link.