Course Navigation

Student Navigation

This course page is designed to help students successfully complete the requirements for Supervised Practice of Ministry simply and efficiently. 

There are four steps to successful completion of SPM: 1) Approval, 2) Learning Covenant, 3) Reflection, and 4) Evaluations.

Each step of the process is located on a "tile." Click the tile of each step to see a brief overview of the step, a video lecture explaining the expectations of the step, supplemental resources and/or sample documents, and an activity link with submission instructions for required documentation. For each tile, students are encouraged to review each provided item prior to submitting any documentation. Progress will be monitored using course completion tracking. Each resource or activity viewed will have completion check marks that indicate you have completed each item. 

Supervisor and Guidance Committee Navigation

This course page offers resources for supervisors and guidance committees to assist in fulfilling their responsibilities for students supervised practice of ministry. Supervisors and guidance committees are provided with view-only guest access and may peruse any of the resources throughout the course page. Two sections in particular offer specific resources that may be useful: Resources for Supervisors and Resources for Guidance Committees. 

View-only guest access does not allow direct submission to assignments or tracking of individual participant progress. Guests may download documents and forms, view assignment descriptions, and view any photo or video content present in the course. 

Course Expectations

In order to successfully complete SPM for credit, each of the four steps requires submitted documentation. Students missing a component of the required documentation cannot receive a passing grade. 


Forms for SPM are built to be as universal as possible to encourage thoughtful goal-setting, self-directed learning, and communities of support, but sometimes they are not an exact fit to all contexts. Complete the sections that apply to your internship setting, and encourage supervisors and guidance committees to do the same. If a form does not seem to apply to your setting at all, please contact Dr. Ward for further instructions. 


Each of the four steps have assigned deadlines to guide your progress. These deadlines are spaced at the beginning, midterm, and end of the term. If you require extensions or changes to completion deadlines, please contact Dr. Ward. All documentation must be submitted by the last day of the academic term unless an extension request is submitted. 


With self-directed learning, especially in settings outside of UDTS classrooms, personal integrity is of utmost importance. Your primary accountability structure will be built in your internship setting with very little monitoring from Dr. Ward. Therefore, it is essential that all documentation provided is honest, accurate, and to the best of your ability represents your learning and progress in your internship. 

Important Term Dates

Add/Drop Deadline: 9/16/24
Last Day to Withdraw: 10/29/24
Extension Request Deadline: 12/9/24

Final Grades Must be Entered: 12/18/24

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Last modified: Monday, June 3, 2024, 12:00 PM