Moodle is where all online content and engagement for courses is stored. Using Moodle is a requirement for seminary courses. 

Accessing Moodle

  • Enter your username and password and click Log In

  • Next you will see a page called MyCourses
    • This page will display any courses you are affiliated with in past, current, or near future terms
    • You may filter the list of courses by using the provided drop-down menu

  • Another very useful page is the Theological Seminary landing page, found under UD Programs, at the top of any Moodle page
    • This page and subpages offers current information regarding academic calendars, course descriptions, a quick list of forms and resources, and more
    • Use the navigational links across the top of the page to see additional pages of current information 

Expectations for using Moodle

  • All faculty will use Moodle for course learning materials and engagement opportunities for students to access
  • Course pages will be designed with learners in mind, using simple and effective navigation
  • Course pages will be made visible for students prior to the start of the term
  • A current syllabus, lectures, weekly engagement opportunities, and assignments will be provided on Moodle course pages for students
  • Weekly engagement and prompt feedback will be provided by the faculty for all courses
  • It is highly recommended that Moodle gradebook be used for all courses to ensure transparent, clear indications of academic progress through the course throughout the term

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