Bishop Kemper School for Ministry
Below is what the UDTS faculty voted on and approved, and included in the catalog.
UDTS partners with the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry (BKSM), in order to provide Episcopal/Anglican students at UDTS access to Anglican Studies courses for ministry preparation and preparation for General Ordination Exams in The Episcopal Church. Under this partnership, students may complete Anglican Studies courses through BKSM for graduate elective credit toward their UDTS degree elective credit requirements (up to 1/3 of their degree total). The elective credits must be approved through the credit by portfolio process administered by UDTS.
Dean (retired) Don Compier of BKSM received this language and was grateful for the arrangement. There had been an understanding with Claremont, but it was not used.
The bishop of Iowa, Betsey Monnot, is sending folks to BKSM as an alternative pathway for ordination preparation, but also values a graduate degree. She knows about this arrangement via myself and Dr Compier, and has already sent us a potential new student. I will also be teaching BKSM's required course in Anglican Spirituality next May.
Clare Stern, diocese of West Missouri, is currently taking her remaining elective credits for her UDTS MDiv via BKSM, and will be the first to go through the portfolio process.
Let me know if you need more information!
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