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Dr. Timothy M. Slemmons, Associate Professor of Homiletics and Worship

February 6 – March 20

Martin Kahler famously defined the Gospels as "passion narratives with extended introductions." But if the passion narratives are so essential to the Gospels, why are they so rarely preached and almost never assigned to the Sundays in the lectionary? This homiletical conversation will explore the unique literary character of, and the Christological considerations involved in preaching, the passion narratives. How might the preacher better expound and proclaim the vital significance of two of the longest and most daunting chapters in each of the Gospels? This discussion will invite the preacher to consider and correct a gaping lacuna in lectionary preaching, and to proclaim the Gospel from the standpoint of Christ’s redemptive suffering on the cross. (Class will not meet March 7-13, Seminary Reading Week)

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