Enrollment options

Instructor: Susan Forshey
Phone: 206-963-0472
E-mail: sforshey@dbq.edu

This course explores the role and practice of the teaching and discipling ministries of the church as graced means of cultivating the character of Christ personally and corporately. An incarnational model of teaching and learning—engaging the whole person—will be emphasized. Students will reflect on their own experiences of these ministries, both as teacher and student; engage texts on teaching and instructional design, the neuroscience of learning and habit formation; contemplative attention; spiritual formation in children and youth; and practice practical theological reflection as they build skills for teaching in various contexts. Models for learning, recent cognitive research, and instructional design models will be dialogue partners as students select and describe a context of teaching and learning; then design, teach, and evaluate a teaching/learning experience.

  • Maria Lichtmann, The Teacher's Way: Teaching and the Contemplative Life
  • Parker Palmer, To Know as We are Known: Education as a Spiritual Journey
  • David Sousa, How the Brain Learns

This course requires a payment for entry.

Cost: USD 390.00

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