In addition to offering all of the courses required required by the UM Book of Discipline, The United Methodist Studies Program hosts six Wesley Table luncheons each semester. (See the Wesley Table brochures). Wesley Tables last an hour, provide the UM students with lunch, and addresses a variety of specific programs UM-specific topics that are educational and formative. Often leading pastor and leaders in each of the UM Annual Conferences are invited to do presentations and engage UM students in conversations that help form and support the students. The Director of the UM Studies Program evaluates the Wesley Table Program annually and shares that with the Dean of the Dean in the yearly Review of the Director. This evaluation includes inviting students formal and informal input into the Wesley Table Program, asking what was helpful and what other topics should be included in the Wesley Table Program in the next academic year.
UM faculty, Drs. Colyer and Schlimm are the academic advisors for all of the UM students at UDTS. They are in contact and conversation with each of the UM students. This includes one-on-one teaching, support, and formation for effective ministry within the each student's annual conference. Dr. Colyer has begun experimenting with offering clergy coaching to UM students to ensure deeper and more effective assimilation of knowledge, ministry skills, and personal habits that contribute to effectiveness in ministry and flourishing in life as pastors.