Maintain periodic contact with alumnus Paul Both who heads the South Sudan Education Mission. Every few years when Paul is in the US he has spoken in chapel or at a local church to which UD community is invited. Some disruption in COVID. Correspondence with supporting UD faculty and alums including Drs. Slemmons and McCaw and UD Campus Minisry leader Dana Perreard, sharing information about church in South Sudan.
2021 - Materials raising mission correspondence
3-20-2018 e-mail regarding UDTS chapel leadership Dear sister Beth,
May the Prince of peace richly bless you this afternoon. Here are the scripture lessons for Thursday worship.
I would like you to find some people to read them for us. Genesis 12:1-4; Psalm 133:1-3 and Ephesians 4:1-4; 10-14.
I will becoming on Wednesday night on Jan. 1, 2017. I want you to know that I have powerpoint or presentation that I want to share in the chapel while I a m preaching the word and then, I can have some Q& A later or after our worship is done.
I am very excited about this great opportunity to come back to UDTS and to able to share God’s word with our brothers and sisters in our beloved seminary or community. Please spread the word for my return!
Many thanks and many blessings.
Paul Both