UDTS gathers and analyzes a range of assessment
data to annually evaluate the effectiveness of seminary programs.
At the beginning of each academic year the
Faculty Staff Council engages in corporate reflection on data generated from the
assessment process, evaluates strengths and
weaknesses, and proposes ways to address weaknesses and to initiate changes in light of the program goals and information gleaned by the assessment process. (See the Additional Documents file,
Doc 3.31 Seminary Assessment Process,
Docs 3.32 & 3.33 MAMD & MDiv Assessment Grids, Doc
3.34 Rubric SLO#6 Example, Docs 3.14
& 3.15 MAMD & MDiv Outcome Assessment Report, and Doc 3.26 Seminary Outcome Assessment Report.).
Finally, every four years the University Senate of the United Methodist Church requires UDTS to evaluate the seminary programs to ensure that the degree programs fulfill all of the United Methodist requirements of non-United Methodist seminaries preparing UM candidates for ordination and ministry in the United Methodist Church.