- Undergraduate Theology Program. UDTS partners with the undergraduate college to provide theological education at the undergraduate level. "The Theology Program offers a transformative theological education that prepares students for lives of service in the church and
world. Students earning a Bachelor of Arts in Theology expand and deepen their understanding of the Bible and Christian theology,
develop leadership skills, and explore a living faith.
The Theology Program prepares students for advanced theological study in a seminary or divinity school as well as for careers in
ministry and the nonprofit sector. Graduates may serve in traditional and non-traditional ministries, lay church leadership, youth
ministry, worship ministry, missions (both urban and global), and in other non-profit organizations. Among the liberal arts,
theological study forms students for life in creation and human society by cultivating critical thinking, inquiry, communication, and
ethical responsibility."
- This quote is from the Theology Program's statement of purpose found on p. 197 of the 2023-2024 UD CatalogOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader , linked here.)
- Science for Seminaries Grant (2021-2022) through the American Academy for the Advancement of Science. AAAS partners with seminaries to integrate world-class science into seminary curricula. The grant initiative that they supported at UDTS -- “Attention and Connection: Engaging Brains, Bodies, and
Ecologies for Ministry--sought "to learn from the sciences in order to prepare
students for ministry in the changing contexts of the 21st century." The grant allowed us to learn from the ecological sciences to prepare Christian leaders to do contextual ministry with attention to local ecosystems, from the science of learning to prepare Christian leaders to teach in ways that reflect how the brain learns and remembers, and from neuroscience to prepare Christian leaders to form habits, build memories, and minister in situations of trauma.
- This quote is from the submitted and accepted Science for Seminary grant application ("Attention and Connection..." Jan 2021), attached here.