Introduction to Preaching
Instructor: Robert Hoch, Ph.D.
Office Phone: 563 589 3379
In this course, students will acquire basic skills for the preaching life. Among other things, students will . . .
• be introduced to a Reformed understanding of preaching and the sermon;
• be introduced to a pattern of biblical exegesis for preaching;
• be given a basic knowledge of sermonic form and their types;
• enage in exercises that focus on sermonic communication;
• gain significant practice in preaching.
• be introduced to long-term practices that contribute to the flourishing of congregational life through the preaching ministry.
In terms of learning outcomes, students will demonstrate the following . . .
• an introductory knowledge of the Reformed understanding of the proclamation of the Word;
• basic skills in biblical exegesis for preaching;
• basic skills in the art and craft of sermonic communication;
• skills in the use and reception of homiletical criticism for vocational growth.
In order to complete the course, students will submit . . .
• two sermons
• five sermonic exercises
• weekly forum posts
Thomas H. Troeger and Leonora Tubbs Tisdale, A Sermon Workbook: Exercises in the Art and Craft of Preaching
Ronald J. Allen, Patterns of Preaching: A sermon Sampler
Leonora Tubbs Tisdale, Preaching as Local Theology and Folk Art
Barbara Brown Taylor, The Preaching Life
Robert Hoch, Breathing Patterns: A Teacher's Reflections on Calling, Equipping, and Sending
Jana Childers, Birthing the Sermon: Women Preachers and the Creative Process