Enrollment options

Instructor: Dr. Scott Nesbitt
Email: calvinistbasset@tds.net

This course provides an overview of Presbyterian Church (USA) polity, both in principle and in practice. There will be an emphasis on the use of the constitution in the local congregation as well as the governing bodies. Class structure will include lectures, discussion, case studies, quizzes and outside assignments.

This course is designed:
1. to equip students to become competent moderators of Session
2. to help students become knowledgeable interpreters for the local congregation of the polity of the church, as well as the denomination's larger missional purposes
3. to instill in students an appreciation for our connectional nature

1. Course Requirements
• Regular participation in class discussions.
• Completion of the assigned reading during the indicated time period
• Attendance at one presbytery meeting (or one session meeting if it is completely
unfeasible to get to a presbytery meeting) during the course period
• Timely submission of written work (an analysis of an observed governing body meeting [presbytery or session], agendas for a session meeting and for a congregational meeting)
• Completion of quizzes and the final exam

2. Evaluation will be based on class participation, evidence of knowledge of required reading,
and quality of submitted work.

3. The final grade for the course will be "Pass" or "Fail." However, I will provide unofficial letter grades to individual assignments. These grades are strictly for your own benefit to ascertain where you have strengths and where you might need to grow.

The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA), Parts I and II (most recent versions)
Goodwiller, Gregory A., A Guide to Parliamentary Procedure in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) [this is found as a PDF document at http://www.pcusa.org/media/uploads/oga/pdf/parliamentary_procedure.pdf]
Gray, Joan S. and Tucker, Joyce, Presbyterian Polity for Church Leaders (Fourth Edition)

Beattie, Frank A., Companion to the Constitution: Polity for the Local Church
Chapman, William E., Finding Christ in the Book of Order
Chapman, William E., History and Theology in the Book of Order: Blood on Every Page
Olsen, Charles, Transforming Church Boards Into Spiritual Communities
Robert, Henry M., Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, Most Recent Edition
Rogers, Jack, Presbyterian Creeds, A Guide to the Book of Confessions
Rice, Howard L. and Calvin Chinn, The Ordination Questions: A Study for Church Officers

This course requires a payment for entry.

Cost: USD 390.00

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