Section: Recurring Documentation at a Glance | Spring 2025 Cooperating and Supervising Teacher Resource Page | MOODLE

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    Jeffrey A. Haverland

    Smith 303

    563-589-3723 or 563-599-8419

    The purpose of this page is to provide cooperating and supervising teachers with the resources and dates needed to meet the reporting requirements of student teaching.

Recurring Documentation at a Glance

  • Recurring Documentation at a Glance

    • Formal Observation every two weeks (Supervising Teacher)
    • Progress Report every four weeks (Cooperating and Supervising Teacher)
    • Formal, Final Evaluation at the conclusion of each 8-week placement or at the conclusion of a 16-week placement (Cooperating and Supervising Teacher)
    • Final Grade at the conclusion of each 8-week placement or at the conclusion of a 16-week placement (Cooperating and Supervising Teacher)