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  Congregational Equipping Program: Christian Leadership

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CEP Curricular Goals 
  1. Be formed by, live in, and minister out of Scripture and the historical and theological tradition of the Church.
  2. Educate and equip individuals and congregations to live and minister joyfully and faithfully as part of their own denomination and the ecumenical church.
  3. Integrate theology and practice in all areas of life and ministry. 


August 2024: We invite you to join us in Dubuque for in-person CEP courses during our August seminary intensive. Classes will take place August 5-9, 2024. This is an opportunity to not only take core courses in person on campus at UDTS, but an opportunity to be a part of the greater seminary activities during the August intensive including: Sunday welcome dinner, daily chapel and lunch, participation in the Warren Lecture series, CEP group mid-week dinner and the chance to meet some of your professors and classmates in person. 

Please note that these courses will have pre-load assignments that will begin on July 22, 2024 and post-load assignments that will be due on August 30, 2024. 

Registration is open! Contact Becky Shellabarger at DERegistration@dbq.edu to register for these August opportunities.

Courses offered in-person during August:

  • Introduction to the New Testament M-F 8:00am - 11:00am (D-CLPB-105-01)
  • Presbyterian Polity M-F 1:30pm - 4:30pm (D-CLPM-115-01)
  • Gospel in Context Mon-Saturday (6 days)(Sunday the 11th optional) 8-11am Mon-Thu. All day Fri, Sat, Sun (D-CLPI-165-01)
    • A course fee (less than $200, but TBD) per person will cover meals, travel and other expenses while on the immersion.
  • Caregiving 2: Mental Health/First Aid Training - M,T,W evening course 
    • Must have previously taken CLP Pastoral Care 
    • $30 course fee
    • Contact Becky Shellabarger at DERegistration@dbq.edu for registration instructions for this opportunity...do not self-register on MyUD!

Important Information for August Attendees:

  • Students will be charged a one-time $89 fee to cover lunch daily, as well as 2 dinner events. Please bring this payment with you when you come to Dubuque.
  • A hotel block has been reserved in Dubuque...contact Becky Shellabarger at DERegistration@dbq.edu for additional information.
  • If you are registering yourself in MyUD, please verify the course numbers above to make sure you are in the August section.

Contact Becky Shellabarger at DERegistration@dbq.edu with any questions.

Fall 2024:  All 8 of our core courses will be offered in our new 8-week format. All of our online courses are semi-synchronous meaning that there are lectures, reading and assignments on a weekly basis, but the work can be completed during the week based on a student's individual schedule. There are no specific class times to login, but there are weekly due dates for course assignments. Many courses also offer 1 or 2 optional zoom opportunity(ies) over the course of the 8-week term. The courses will be offered on the following schedule:

Fall 2024 Course Schedule
Fall Term 1: 8/13/24 - 10/7/24  Fall Term 2: 10/15/24 - 12/16/24
Introduction to Old Testament
Introduction to New Testament
Christian Caregiving
Introduction to Preaching
Reformed Worship & Sacraments
Presbyterian Polity
Reformed Theology
Foundations of Christian Education

Important information: All Online Fall 2024 courses will be taught in the new 8-week format. Please contact Becky Shellabarger, Director of the Congregational Equipping Christian Leadership Program with any questions (DERegistration@dbq.edu)

Please review the registration procedures below:

  • For current students: to register, go to  http://my.dbq.edu  Login in the upper right corner, click Add/Drop courses, change term to Fall 2024 CLP Term 1 or Term 2, click search, you will see the list of courses available to you! Check the add box on the line of the course(s) you want, click Add courses. Please double check the course number since many courses are offered at multiple times. It should give you a confirmation of success! If these short instructions do not work for you – Full Registration Instructions PDF !
  • Please note - the instructions above are only for students that have already been admitted to the program. If you have not applied for and been accepted into the program, please fill out our application first!
  • Please verify the course/section number when you register to insure you are in the correct section.
  • If you have any questions, please contact Becky Shellabarger, Director of the Congregational Equipping Program, with any questions or concerns! 563.589.3261 or  DERegistration@dbq.edu

Congregational Equipping Course Descriptions 

A complete syllabus with weekly assignments is provided at the start of each class. For coursework technology requirements, please click on "Program Info" in the green box to the right above. Please direct any issues or problems of a technical nature to our university technology help desk at  helpdesk@dbq.edu  Please do not contact professors with technical issues.


There are no prerequisites or required textbooks for this course. The Online Learning Course is designed to prepare students for all online courses with the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary.

Newly Accepted Students
Once you've registered for a course, you will be added to this course automatically. Please complete the assignments before starting a core class.

August 2024 Course Descriptions:


Instructor: Rev. Dr. Loren Shellabarger
Email:  Lshellabarger@dbq.edu, Lshellab@gmail.com


This course is a survey and introduction to the content, message, interpretation, and background of the New Testament. The course will aim to 1) foster an appreciation for the message of the New Testament; 2) encourage students to grow in their appreciation and understanding of Scripture; and 3) strengthen students’ connection with Jesus Christ through their knowledge and understanding of the New Testament writings and their historical contexts.


By the conclusion of the course, students should be able to:

1.    Identify the distinctive theological concerns of the New Testament authors.

2.    Interpret the New Testament texts within their social and historical settings.

3.    Analyze New Testament texts from historical and theological perspectives.


The requirements for successfully completing this course will be accomplished via a set of pre-readings and assignments (the preload), one week of in-person course lectures and class discussion, and a postload assignment.

The pre-reading will consist of reading the secondary text for the course, Introducing the New Testament by Mark Allan Powell, as well as a review of the New Testament itself. Scripture passages for emphasis will be provided as part of the preload. After reading the texts, students will respond to a set of prompts as a part of the preload and submit them prior to the in-person week.

During the week of the in-person course lectures and discussion, students will be expected to come to class prepared to discuss the day’s topics, along with any coursework required.

During the post-load portion of the class, students will be required to respond to assignment prompts created to establish their comprehension and understanding of course objectives.

The primary text for this course will be the New Testament itself. It is strongly recommended that students make use of a good study Bible, such as the New Oxford Annotated Bible, to aid in their reading. The secondary text (the textbook) for the course will be Introducing the New Testament by Mark Allan Powell. 

Students who complete the preload, participate in class, and complete the post-load assignments, all at an appropriate level, will receive a “pass” for the course.


·       Powell, Mark Allan. Introducing the New Testament: A Historical, Literary, and Theological Survey. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2009. ISBN: 978-0801099601

·       The New Oxford Annotated Bible: New Revised Standard Version. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. ISBN: 978-0190276041.


Instructor: Alyson A. Janke

Email: alysonjanke@yahoo.com


This course provides an overview of Presbyterian Church (USA) polity, both in principle and in practice.  There will be an emphasis on the use of the constitution in the local congregation as well as the councils of the church.  Basic parliamentary procedure will also be addressed.  Class structure will include lectures, discussion of case studies, and role plays.  There will be written assignments.


This course is designed:

1.    to equip students to become competent moderators of Session

2.    to equip students to become knowledgeable interpreters of the polity of the church in the local congregation         

3.    to help students gain an understanding of and appreciation for our connectional nature        


1.    Regular attendance and participation in class discussions

2.    Completion of the assigned reading before class 

3.    Observation of one session meeting in a church other than the one regularly attended.

4.    Completion of several papers to be assigned

5.    A description of written assignments for assessment will be distributed in class.

6.    Evaluation will be based on class participation and evidence of knowledge of required reading. 

7.    The final grade will be “pass” or “fail” 


·       The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA), Part I The Book of Confessions-  current print edition   The Revised Study Edition would be acceptable and good to have in  your professional library.

·       The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA), Part II  Book of Order  (2023-2025)  - print edition

·       Gregory A. Goodwiller, A Guide to Parliamentary Procedures in the Presbyterian Church (USA (Download and print resource at https://www.pcusa.org/site_media/media/uploads/oga/pdf/parliamentary_procedure.pdfOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader )

·       Gray and Tucker, Presbyterian Polity for Church Leaders, 4th Edition ISBN 978-06645-0315-4

·       Burgess, John, Confessing Our Faith: The Book of Confessions for Church Leaders


·       Robert, Henry M., Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 11th Edition

·       Rogers, Jack, Presbyterian Creeds, A Guide to the Book of Confessions


Instructors: Dr. Mary Emily Duba and Rev. Dr. Christopher James

Email: cjames@dbq.edu and mduba@dbq.edu

Class Dates and Times: 8/5-8/10 Mon-Saturday (6 days)(Sunday the 11th optional) 8-11am Mon-Thu. All day Fri, Sat, Sun


Wherever one does ministry, the character of the context shapes the forms of evangelism and mission that are viable, appropriate, and faithful. This course explores the work of contextualization—how the gospel is proclaimed and embodied contextually. This course includes an immersion trip, August 9-10 (11th optional), as well as classroom sessions to help students develop initial skills for exegeting contexts for Christian ministry. Building on a theological foundation, it considers how context is reflected in the forms of ministry and witness observed.

A course fee (less than $200, but TBD) per person will cover meals, travel and other expenses while on the immersion.


Scott Hagley, Eat What is Set Before You: A Missiology of the Congregation (Skyforest, CA: Urban Loft Publishers, 2019). ISBN: 978-1949625004

Other required readings will be posted as PDFs to the course Moodle page


· Preload: Paper on Scott Hagley, Eat what is Set Before You

· Preload: Read Sedmak chapter on “Little Theologies”, and prep something

· Postload: Reflection Paper

Fall 2024 Course Descriptions:


 Instructor:  Dr. Matt Schlimm
 Email: mschlimm@dbq.edu

This course provides a basic introduction to the Old Testament’s content, historical background, canon, genres, theology, culture, interpretation, and ecclesial use. By the end of the course, students will be able to responsibly interpret passages from the Old Testament and evaluate how others use the Old Testament.


1.    Evaluate common uses of the Old Testament in the church.

2.    Analyze how particular Old Testament books and texts relate to overarching historical periods and the broader biblical story.

3.    Analyze how particular Old Testament books and texts relate to overarching canonical divisions and key types of literature.

4.    Analyze how particular Old Testament books and texts relate to theological themes and central texts.

5.    Analyze how particular Old Testament texts relate to ancient cultural dynamics.

6.    Create frameworks for responsibly interpreting the Old Testament in church settings.

Eight weekly quizzes and eight weekly assignments.  Students need to score 70% or higher to receive credit. 


  • Green, Joel, et al., eds. CEB Study Bible. Nashville: Common English Bible, 2018. ISBN: 978-1609262167.
  • Schlimm, Matthew. This Strange and Sacred Scripture: Wrestling with the Old Testament and Its Oddities. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2015. ISBN: 9780801039799.
  • Seibert, Eric. Enjoying the Old Testament: A Creative Guide to Encountering Scripture. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2021. ISBN: 9781514001202.
  • Strawn, Brent. Lies My Preacher Told Me: An Honest Look at the Old Testament. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2021. ISBN: 9780664265717.


Instructor:  Dr. Nick Elder
Email: nelder@dbq.edu


This course introduces the New Testament as a collection of ancient texts from varying genres. By the end of the course students will be able to articulate what the New Testament is, to identify the various ancient literary genres that New Testament texts represent, to explain how both modern and antique contexts shape interpretation of the New Testament, and to evaluate interpretive debates about specific New Testament texts.


  1. Explain what the New Testament is.
  1. Articulate the various genres that New Testament texts represent and the constituent literary features of these genres.
  1. Explain how the historical, theological, cultural, and religious contexts in which the New Testament texts were written are relevant to their interpretation. 


Eight content quizzes (one per week)

Eight written response assignments (one per week)


·       Mitzi J. Smith and Yung Suk Kim, Toward Decentering the New Testament: A Reintroduction, Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2018. ISBN: 1532604653.

·       Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler, eds., The Jewish Annotated New Testament (NRSV), 2nd Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 2017. ISBN: 0190461853.


 Instructor:  Dr. Beth McCaw
 Email: bmccaw@dbq.edu

An introduction to the caring aspects of pastoral ministry, including biblical foundations of care, the development of pastoral identity, various models of care, and varieties of essential pastoral communication skills necessary for entering diverse situations of crisis and need.


  1. To offer an introduction to the caring aspects of pastoral ministry
  2. To articulate biblical and psychological foundations of care
  3. To encourage the development of a healthy and faithful pastoral identity
  4. To examine the primary contexts of pastoral care
  5. To strengthen essential pastoral communication skills
  6. To become acquainted with various models of pastoral care

Eight Weekly E&E (Exercises and Engagement).  Input from each class participant is needed for the mutual enrichment of all class members.  Credit is awarded for a minimum of 70% timely and thoughtful completing of weekly posts. 


  • Hunsinger, Deborah Van Deusen, Pray Without Ceasing: Revitalizing Pastoral Care (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006).
  • Killen, James L. Pastoral Care in the Small Membership Church (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2005).  Selections.
  • Several articles provided as pdf’s on the course site.
  • Franklin, Cynthia, and Rowena Fong.  The Church Leader’s Counseling Resource Guide (New York: Oxford, 2011) – selections.


 Instructor:  Dr. Timothy M Slemmons
 Email: tslemmons@dbq.edu


An introduction to the basic principles of preaching: what sets preaching apart from other types of oral communication; how does one select biblical texts for preaching; what spiritual practices best serve the sermon design and preparation process; what exegetical questions best accord with faithful interpretation; what considerations bear upon the application of the sermon to Christian life; what delivery considerations merit the most intentional practice?


1.    Discover, identify, and apply the unique attributes of preaching that distinguish it from other forms of human communication.

2.    Identify and compare primary options for selecting biblical texts that will serve as the basis for messages (sermons) appropriate to the needs of the church, its worship, and its mission in the world.

3.    Interpret selected biblical texts with attention to both ancient literary and modern ecclesial contexts. Construct a theological (focus) statement that arises from the selected biblical text, and relate it (with a function statement) to Christian practice.

4.    Paraphrase focus and function statements so as to distinguish them from competing cultural claims, indicating corrective and edifying theological insights for the individual listener and the church.

5.    Compose and assemble weekly devotional messages that explain the selected scripture, summarize the theological claim, and appraise its implications for the Christian life.

6.    Organize and develop one devotional message into a sermon, delivered audibly and clearly

7.    Evaluate peer sermons and/or those by notable preachers in assigned readings or other media.


·       Jennifer Lord, Finding Language and Imagery: Words for Holy Speech (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2009); ISBN-13: 978-0800663537

·       Slemmons, Timothy Matthew. A Short Course in Preaching: Daily Reading as the Seedbed of Sermons. Independently published, 2023. ISBN: 979-8850424664

·       The Good Confession. Independently published, 2020. ISBN: 979-8619006148

·       Year D: A Quadrennial Supplement to the Revised Common Lectionary. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012. ISBN: 978-1610973120

·       NRSV or NIV Study Bible (specific edition of the student's choosing).

·       Other assigned readings may be provided as .pdf files or via internet links


·       Hansen, Gary Neal, Your First Sermon: Getting from Here to Sunday in Five Manageable Steps. Climacus Publishing, 2020. ISBN: 978-0986412462


 Instructor:  Dr. Timothy M Slemmons
 Email: tslemmons@dbq.edu


This course in Reformed Worship and Sacraments introduces the basic scriptural, historical, and theological principles of Christian worship as viewed from a Reformed perspective, with special focus on liturgical practice in the Presbyterian Church (USA).


Students who successfully complete this course will demonstrate and/or articulate the following:

1.    An introductory knowledge of Christian worship from a Reformed perspective;

2.    An introductory knowledge of the resources available for preparing and planning for worship;

3.    An ability to plan a worship service with commentary, explaining the theological and liturgical function of each major component of the service;

4.    An understanding of worship leadership and the ability to adapt Reformed practices to a particular context;

5.    A knowledge of the sacraments that coheres with Reformed theology;

6.    An introductory knowledge of the ordering and administration of pastoral services.


·       Slemmons, Timothy Matthew. A Short Course in Reformed Worship. Independently published, 2024. Independently published. ISBN: 9798883355997. (forthcoming)

·       Old, Hughes Oliphant. Worship, Revised and Expanded Edition: Reformed According to Scripture. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002. ISBN-13: 978-0664225797.

·       Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2013. ISBN-13:978-0664238964.

·       P.C. (U.S.A.) The Book of Common Worship. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2018. ISBN: 978-0-664-50318-5

·       P.C. (U.S.A.) The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Part I, The Book of Confessions Louisville: Office of the General Assembly, 2016. [No ISBN]

·       P.C. (U.S.A.) The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Part II, The Book of Order 2023-2025. Louisville: Office of the General Assembly, 2023. ISBN 979-8-9885501-0-5.

·       Other assigned readings may be provided as .pdf files or via internet links.


Instructor: Rev. Dr. Richard J. Shaffer Jr.

Email: RShaffer@dbq.edu


This eight-week course provides an overview of Presbyterian Church (USA) polity, both in principle and in practice. There will be an emphasis on the use of the constitution in the local congregation as well as the governing bodies. Class structure will include lectures, discussion, case studies, and outside assignments.


This course is designed to:

1.    Equip students to become competent moderators of Session.

2.    Help students become knowledgeable interpreters of Presbyterian polity for the local congregation.

3.    Increase student’s awareness of the denomination’s broader missional purposes.

4.    Instill in students an appreciation for our connectional nature.


·       Regular and thoughtful participation in all class discussions.

·       Timely completion of assigned readings.

·       Attendance at one presbytery meeting (or one session meeting if it is completely    unfeasible to get to a presbytery meeting) during the course.

·       An analysis of the observed governing body meeting.

·       Timely submission of written assignments, including the final exam.

·       Evaluation will be based on class participation, evidence of knowledge of required reading, and quality of submitted work.

·       The final grade for the course will be “Pass” or “Fail.” 


·       P.C. (U.S.A.) The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Part I, The Book of Confessions [current edition with index].

·       P.C. (U.S.A.) The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Part II, The Book of Order [current edition, 2023-2025]

·       Goodwiller, Gregory A., A Guide to Parliamentary Procedure in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) [this is found as a PDF document at http://www.pcusa.org/media/uploads/oga/pdf/parliamentary_procedure.pdfOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader ]

·       Gray, Joan S. and Tucker, Joyce, Presbyterian Polity for Church Leaders (Fourth Edition)

·       Wilton, Carlos E. Principles of Presbyterian Polity, Geneva Press, 2016.


·       Beattie, Frank A., Companion to the Constitution: Polity for the Local Church

·       Chapman, William E., History and Theology in the Book of Order: Blood on Every Page

·       Olsen, Charles, Transforming Church Boards Into Spiritual Communities

·       Robert, Henry M., Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, Most Recent Edition

·       Rogers, Jack, Presbyterian Creeds, A Guide to the Book of Confessions


Instructor: Rev. Dr. Bradley Longfield

Email: Blongfie@dbq.edu


This course provides an introduction to Reformed theology through readings, lectures, and discussion with a particular focus on the theology of John Calvin and the content of the Book of Confessions of the Presbyterian Church (USA), especially the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds and the Heidelberg Catechism.


By participating fully in this class students will:

1.    Be able to identify and analyze major theological and ethical teachings in the Reformed tradition especially as articulated in the work of John Calvin and the Book of Confessions of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

2.    Be able to use the content of the Book of Confessions of the Presbyterian Church (USA), especially the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds and the Heidelberg Catechism, as a theological resource for church leadership.


·       Conscientious attendance, reading, and participation in discussions. (320 points)

·       A written lecture or lesson plan as described in the course syllabus. (680 points)


·       Book of Confessions Study Edition Revised ISBN: 9780664262907

·       John Burgess, Confessing Our Faith ISBN: 9780664503116

·       John Calvin, Instruction in Faith. ISBN: 978-0664253141

·       Gary Neal Hansen, The Heidelberg Catechism (available here: https://www.pcusastore.com/Products/680776/the-heidelberg-catechism-participants-book.aspx)

·       Either the Oxford Annotated NRSV Bible or the CEB Study Bible


Instructor: Dr. Susan Forshey
Email: sforshey@dbq.edu 


This course explores the role and practice of the teaching and discipling ministries of the church as graced means of cultivating the character of Christ personally and corporately. An incarnational model of teaching and learning—engaging the whole person—will be emphasized. Students will reflect on their own experiences of these ministries, both as teacher and student; engage texts on teaching and instructional design, the neuroscience of learning and habit formation; contemplative attention; spiritual formation in children and youth; and practice practical theological reflection as they build skills for teaching in various contexts. Models for learning, recent cognitive research, and instructional design models will be dialogue partners as students select and describe a context of teaching and learning; then design, teach, and evaluate a teaching/learning experience.


By participating fully in this class, students will:

1.    Be able to identify and build on biblical, theological, and practical foundations for the educational tasks of the local congregation.

2.    Use models for structuring the worship and ministry of congregations in ways that call and shape disciples from spiritual infancy to maturity in Christian community and public witness, as measured by the evaluations of a teaching session.


1.    Be formed by, live in, and minister out of Scripture and the historical and theological tradition of the Church.

2.    Educate and equip individuals and congregations to live and minister joyfully and faithfully as part of their own denomination and the ecumenical church.

3.    Integrate theology and practice in all areas of life and ministry.


·       Demonstrate reflective understanding of the assigned reading and lectures by submitting online journals each week (20% of grade).

·       Comment on two colleague online posts each week (10%)

·       Write a context description of church or ministry that will be the setting for teaching a learning experience (35% of grade).

·       Plan a learning experience (35% of grade).


·       Harold Percy. Your Church Can Thrive. (Abingdon, 2005)

·       Maria Lichtmann. The Teacher's Way: Teaching and the Contemplative Life (Paulist Press, 2005)

·       David Sousa. How the Brain Learns. 5th Edition (Corwin, 2016) (There is a more expensive 6th edition, but we will be using the 5th edition).

Last modified: Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 3:39 PM