Vicki L. Tilson
The purpose of this page is to provide cooperating and supervising teachers with the resources and dates needed to meet the reporting requirements of student teaching.
Vicki L. Tilson
The purpose of this page is to provide cooperating and supervising teachers with the resources and dates needed to meet the reporting requirements of student teaching.
Essential Forms and Links
This form is for all formal observations (completed every 2 weeks by the supervising teacher). Please complete electronically and return to Vicki Tilson via email.
This running form should be completed for each visit between the supervising teacher and student teacher and emailed back to Vicki Tilson at the end of each placement.
This form is completed by the supervising and cooperating teachers independently (2 times for each eight-week placement or 4 times for each 16-week placement) and returned to Vicki Tilson via email.
Please use this link to complete the final evaluation of the student teacher for each placement. This should be completed by both the cooperating and supervising teacher at the end of each placement. That said, it can be done collaboratively. This is a substantial form to evaluate progress on character dispositions and InTASC standards, and it does not allow you to come back to complete it.
This document is only for viewing. You must complete this evaluation (online) using the evaluation link.
This form is used to assign a final grade for each student teaching placement and should be completed collaboratively and emailed to Vicki Tilson.
Mock Evaluation
There is a requirement in the state of Iowa that student teachers participate in a mock evaluation of their teaching. This evaluation can be done by an administrator, cooperating teacher, instructional coach, or designee. There are two forms that follow. The first is the form stating that the evaluation was completed. This form must be signed and returned to me. The second form is an evaluation instrument based on the Iowa Teaching Standards. This form is to help facilitate the evaluation (or you can use the tool of your choice) and you are not required to return anything to me other than the signed form.
This form must be completed by your student teacher following their mock evaluation and returned to Vicki Tilson. It is merely for your information.
This form can be used by you, your administrator, or your designee to evaluate student progress according to the Iowa Teaching Standards. This form does not need to be returned to me.
School-Based Interview
An important part of the student teaching placement is for students to have an opportunity to participate in an interview (for a real or imagined position) with a school administrator. The hope is that this will allow the student teacher to gain insight and confidence in the interviewing/hiring process. The school-based interview should occur after a minimum of 12 weeks into their student placement. If the student teacher has two, eight week placements, they should do their interview four weeks into their second placement.
For record-keeping, all I require is an email from the administrator saying that they have conducted the interview with the student teacher. This can be sent to me at
For Your Information
This links to the information provided to student teachers during their introductory meeting. It is merely for your information.
This form must be completed by your student teacher and provided to the cooperating teacher, supervising teacher, and student teaching coordinator for any absence. Student teachers DO NOT have built-in days off for illness or any other personal business. If they exceed two absences, their placement may need to be extended.